Saturday 15 June 2013

Blog Marathon Post 2. Acceptance and Balance

This is the crux of that perfect balance we all seek in life. It may sound a little complex, but trust me, it is about developing a knack. It's a skill which can be developed, and takes similar amount of effort as any other skill requires. However, it does demand a more than normal awareness :). You cannot be in balance and not aware. Ignorance and the associated bliss, if any, do not apply any longer.

Once you have the acceptance that you are where you need to be, and there is no where else that you would rather be, a magic happens - you suddenly become totally available to the moment called NOW. This availability puts you in the driver's seat of your present moment and then subsequent future moments. Lo and behold! You are in charge of your destiny! Now your choices help influence your journey. The freedom that we talked about in the last post, is now evident everywhere. The trust which has brought forth this acceptance, deepens.

From this beautiful place, arises Balance. Balance is usually something that becomes invisible the moment it is achieved. It becomes like the invisible hand, whose effect is seen in the harmony and fulfilment achieved in life, but if we go to look just where is this balance, we cannot find it. In balance, the polarities are transcended and we can see a harmony settle in, which is not lethargic, but full of enthusiasm.

So summing up since yesterday, Trust is the foundation on which Freedom can be brought forth, which leads to Acceptance, which makes way for Balance. With me so far :)?

Disclaimer: All image from the Internet. No copyright infringement intended.

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