Monday 24 June 2013

Blog Marathon Post 11. Chakra Healing Workshop

So I have come back from a workshop which was on understanding and healing the Chakras or Energy Centres of the body. I will post about it in detail later, but today I just want to share the top 3 learnings that got reinforced for me:

1. This too shall pass. It will all change - sooner or later. This is the unchangeable law. Understand it or suffer. 

2. Without trust, there can be no freedom. If you do not trust that the earth will take care of you when you put your feet on her, you cannot walk. If you do not trust the air you breathe to not kill you but instead give you life, how can you live? So if trust is missing, every moment is a war, a struggle for survival. 

Honour it or get stuck. 

3. If you will stand up for you, no one else will. You owe to yourself to figure out your agenda of being here, or else other people will do it for you. Then you cannot complain that everyone takes you for granted. That's what you are telling them, that I am available, for I have nothing better to do. So useless or useful, right or wrong, have some agenda or priority. You owe to yourself. 

Internalize this or be screwed. 

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