Wednesday 16 May 2007

The world we weave...

Imagine a world where there is no need to improvise, become efficient, be conscious, continuously be on your guard…

Why does it sound like a dream and nothing else? Is it even real? In fact, is it even nice to think of a world like that? So then what is nice? Who will decide? How about each one for himself/herself?

Lets shut off out logical sides and just give into imagination and see what is possible and what is not.

* * * *
Some date, a typical day in office

No body is asking you how much you have done today…there is no question of productivity. Everyone has unlimited resources, so there is no need for the bosses to exploit each employee to the fullest.

Understand the scenario….

Every person on the Earth has now the capacity to ask for any service/product – there is no charge! Therefore, as the whole concept of profit has vanished, why bother with who has worked how much? There is no cost price, there is no selling price, so obviously, no profit! Everyone is getting their due in the world – according to necessity, according to desire…Now of course there might be an argument that desire is unlimited, well, so the resources here.

I can imagine the deepest sensibilities of people reading this being offended. No profit? No cost management? What are we to do – charity? No, you are nothing to do. You are to flow…just let go. But that’s difficult, right? That’s damn difficult!!

But why is it so difficult? Isn’t it obvious? There is no competition!!! You need not compete with anyone to do better or earn better. So now, how to do prove to the world and yourself that you are better than the next guy?

The idea behind this thinking is if I am not more, then I am less. This very thought guides and governs most of the efforts we make to improve and better ourselves. There is no harm in working on your Self to become more evolved beings, but usually we tend to do more scheming and plotting to ensure we come up on tops as compared to others. So basically, we are just living out lives through others!

What a tangled world we weave for ourselves!!

1 comment:

The Devil's Paradise....... said...

hey i loved wht u have written...
its like flowing in the ocean with no no need to eat the neighbouring fish to appease u stomach.. no race, no hunger.. thus no competition.... just endless meandering.... but a persistent question remains.. then there wudn be the need to evolve a complex brain?. wudnt it..

btw.. apologies for barging in and airing my views....
feel free to air ur comments on my blog..
