This month of June has not been good for me. In any aspect whatsoever. To think I was expecting more out of my birthday month ;)...Oh well, there's few days left still.
As the days go by, everyday my realisation of where I am deepens. Now it should be a good thing, and it is. But you know what? It is also a little...unsettling. I see a lot of things in me and around me very clearly and very deeply, without any facades or sugarcoating. And it is nice, to see things in their full honesty, including myself. My mirror doesn't lie, better still, it doesn't need to lie, and I feel good about it. But there is also a little restlessness. I am not sure why.
In my attempt to sort out my restlessness, I came upon certain 'stuff' that seemed important to me. The last three posts describe the core beliefs and values of my system, and I needed to put them in writing. Along with these, some 'understandings' have also come upon me. Some of them that have made their way to the top of everything else in my head are these:
1. Let lose, let go and enjoy the ride. It is absolutely alright to break rules, even self-made, and to lose control. We anyway do not control much in our lives, so why fight for gaining it? Some people even try to re-gain it! I mean, really? You never had it in the first place!
The trick here is figuring out what kind of ride your are on and then brace yourself when you see a collision coming, scream when going up and down, feel the wind in your hair, share rides with other riders, and in between eat a little ice cream.
2. Get involved in 'Living', that's the right job. Participate in life. Especially yours. You cannot put it on hold for marriage (to the perfect guy/gal), the perfect job, your bestseller, a pay package limit (once I start making X amount per month, I can start vacationing every weekend! *SNAP* No, you won't. Who will work 60-80 hrs a week to make that money, huh? Not me!), the right house, and so forth and so on.
You will never be all caught up. It's impossible. Hell, you cannot even catch up on all the notifications buzzing in on your smartphone, how can you be caught up on all your desired accomplishments?
Here is where we can use our super power of being muti-dimensional beings. We have the power to live our lives
as it comes to us from the inside and side-by-side keep on achieving these big accomplishments. At the end of the day, you need to feel enriched and satisfied, not somebody else. The best part is you can always start any moment. Just turn your attention inward. There you go! Say 'Hi' to your Self.

3. Listen more, talk less, but don't keep quite all the time. It is true that we all learn more if we listen more actively - to everything around us - to people, birds, even traffic. But please also express. When things go inside as knowledge, and then come out as experience, it is wisdom. And that is always good to share. Someone may get helped, or not. Doesn't matter.
When you share, in a blog, video, conference, among friends, at dinner with family, you also understand better your own experience and wisdom. Share, and let it go. Don't get attached to the impact.
So these are the few things that seem important to me right now. In a few months, who knows? But for now, these are real to me, and important too. I am grateful for every second of the journey so far. The end of the rabbit hole is nowhere in sight and probably never will be. Love this fact.
Disclaimer: All image from the Internet. No copyright infringement intended.
As the days go by, everyday my realisation of where I am deepens. Now it should be a good thing, and it is. But you know what? It is also a little...unsettling. I see a lot of things in me and around me very clearly and very deeply, without any facades or sugarcoating. And it is nice, to see things in their full honesty, including myself. My mirror doesn't lie, better still, it doesn't need to lie, and I feel good about it. But there is also a little restlessness. I am not sure why.
In my attempt to sort out my restlessness, I came upon certain 'stuff' that seemed important to me. The last three posts describe the core beliefs and values of my system, and I needed to put them in writing. Along with these, some 'understandings' have also come upon me. Some of them that have made their way to the top of everything else in my head are these:
1. Let lose, let go and enjoy the ride. It is absolutely alright to break rules, even self-made, and to lose control. We anyway do not control much in our lives, so why fight for gaining it? Some people even try to re-gain it! I mean, really? You never had it in the first place!
The trick here is figuring out what kind of ride your are on and then brace yourself when you see a collision coming, scream when going up and down, feel the wind in your hair, share rides with other riders, and in between eat a little ice cream.
2. Get involved in 'Living', that's the right job. Participate in life. Especially yours. You cannot put it on hold for marriage (to the perfect guy/gal), the perfect job, your bestseller, a pay package limit (once I start making X amount per month, I can start vacationing every weekend! *SNAP* No, you won't. Who will work 60-80 hrs a week to make that money, huh? Not me!), the right house, and so forth and so on.
You will never be all caught up. It's impossible. Hell, you cannot even catch up on all the notifications buzzing in on your smartphone, how can you be caught up on all your desired accomplishments?
Here is where we can use our super power of being muti-dimensional beings. We have the power to live our lives
3. Listen more, talk less, but don't keep quite all the time. It is true that we all learn more if we listen more actively - to everything around us - to people, birds, even traffic. But please also express. When things go inside as knowledge, and then come out as experience, it is wisdom. And that is always good to share. Someone may get helped, or not. Doesn't matter.
When you share, in a blog, video, conference, among friends, at dinner with family, you also understand better your own experience and wisdom. Share, and let it go. Don't get attached to the impact.
So these are the few things that seem important to me right now. In a few months, who knows? But for now, these are real to me, and important too. I am grateful for every second of the journey so far. The end of the rabbit hole is nowhere in sight and probably never will be. Love this fact.
Disclaimer: All image from the Internet. No copyright infringement intended.
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