I know that there are many negative connotations attached to this card, no thanks to the movies and other media, but trust me, this is the most empowering there is the whole deck. It is empowering because it sets you free - it tells you that now there is no choice, but to finish the way you have lived so far, die, and be reborn.
This card directly means "Transformation". When you transform, you cannot be the same ol', same ol'. Your old self, thinking, patterns, will die, and I guess that's okay! Isn;t that the whole point of living? Remember "Breathe in the new, breathe out the old"?
The card looks grim, but it just ends all false hope. It says that things are not going to change, unless you change. And as we all know, change is seldom fun, and never without some pain.
This card detaches us from all that no longer serves us, and shows us the mirror that things are now at an end where everything needs to shift.
The change recommended or foretold by this card can be on any level - work, relationship, health, or as a part of one's inner journey.
The imagery of the traditional Death card as seen in the Raider Waite Tarot Deck means that all things will fall before Death, and a new sunrise will be seen on the sky. For Death, there is no difference between a King or a commoner, and all will fall to His scythe eventually.

Though fear is not directly addressed in this card, it is present in the background as a shadow, because it fear that paralyses us and stops us from taking transformative action.
The other thing that stops us to live the Transformation of every moment is attachment. If you will look closely, there is no difference between fear and attachment. One begets the other; so much so that one is the other.
Death urges us to call upon all our inner courage and put it to use by completely shifting our Selves.
If this card comes at the place of advise or warning, it is best to take a good, hard look at the what all you are clinging to and not releasing. Then just let go. See who you will be without this baggage.
The Truth will set you free.
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