I have come to understand that Trust and Freedom are synonymous to each other; one cannot exist without the other. Without trust, freedom is empty and without freedom, trust is futile.
When we trust implicitly, we instantly become free from the bonds of being right, critical, or judgemental. Now everything is as it needs to be; there is no opposition. With trust, we are instantly released of the need to weigh every possibility, and use our judgement to exert control over our lives.
Some may ask here, trust in WHAT? Well, I say, in EVERYTHING. Without Trust, we cannot be alive. We trust that the next moment our breath will come in and we will continue living. We trust in Life when we go out of our homes that it will go on in the evening (if you have ever battled the traffic, especially Pune's, you know exactly what I am talking about!).
Once we make friends with the process of Life and trust it completely, we are put in touch with a perspective which is all-encompassing and our ability to see the big picture increases exponentially. It's just like the difference between looking a the sky from within a small window and standing under the sky and looking up at the stars. The sky remains the same, but the experience of looking changes.

Freedom is simply the ability to be aware of all the possibilities and then choose the ones that appeal most to you, without getting stuck in past patterns/memories and also without getting trapped into dreams of the future. This is true freedom. Everything else is conditional. More travel may require moe money, better relationships may require work of your social skills, and so forth and so on. Of course, it is not easy. Or it is totally easy. Depends on your belief. But that is a story for another time :).
So how to experience this freedom? Simple. Choose to be free. Make it priority to experience true freedom. Then trust that what you need for this experience will come to you. Now let it go. Do not get attached to the desire to feel the freedom. Most of us get stuck here.
So here it is - my view on two most important aspects of living - trust and freedom. It may be said that they are two sides of the same coin, but I feel that they are not even that different. For me, they are the same. At least, that is how they have become for me.
Disclaimer: All image from the Internet. No copyright infringement intended.
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