Friday 12 July 2013

Blog Marathon Post 29. A day well spent

Today I did not have any to-do list or goals set. I did things as and when they were needed. And guess what? At the end of the day, I have accomplished much more than I would on any other task-laden, productivity-driven day.

How did this happen? I feel the following factors were responsible:
  1. Focus on the Now
  2. One Task at a Time
  3. Freedom to be Flexible
  4. Trust in myself, life and spontaneity
  5. No over-thinking and no planning
Now if I can do this all over again tomorrow :). Wait, was that me planning again? Let me rewind.

Tomorrow is another day. It's not here yet. I will let tomorrow take care of itself, while I take care of now. After all, Today is here, Tomorrow is not. 

Two of my favourite quotes from two of the most quotable authors - Dr Seuss and Thich Nhat Hanh. 


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