Thursday, 26 December 2013

Two beautiful poems

This week I have been going back again and again to these two poems. The first one, To My Diary (on a dull day), is by Scottish poet William Soutar, who is considered one of the finest Scot poets ever. This poem is from his collection of poems recorded in his journal, The Diary of a Dying Man, which was published after his death. Here's the poem:

TO MY DIARY (on a dull day)

Since verse has power to give a grace
Even to the commonplace
I shall, within a rhyme, declare
The cupboard of my mind is bare
Not only of an underdone
Cutlet of thought; the very bone
Of prosy platitude is gone.
And since for you, my hungry hound,
No meaty morsel can be found;
And since I would not have you own
A master who could proffer none,
I bleed myself to be your drink:
Is not the blood of poets - ink?’

-- William Soutar (The Diary of a Dying Man)

The second one is one I found on Facebook. It is by Oriah. It just caught hold of me and drew me in, and before I knew it, I was drowned and mesmerized. 

Usually, I am not very easily drawn into a poem. I am very careful, and I keep stepping around the edges and resist the emotions that the poem is trying to lure me into, all because I want my own feelings to be the first ones that I experience, and then in the second reading, I am ready to dive in with what was intended. 

Sounds contrived? What can say? Writers are the most discerning readers :) 

Here is the most fluid poetry I have read in a long, long time:

'The Invitation

It doesn’t interest me
what you do for a living.
I want to know
what you ache for
and if you dare to dream
of meeting your heart’s longing.

It doesn’t interest me
how old you are.
I want to know
if you will risk
looking like a fool
for love
for your dream
for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn’t interest me
what planets are
squaring your moon...
I want to know
if you have touched
the centre of your own sorrow
if you have been opened
by life’s betrayals
or have become shrivelled and closed
from fear of further pain.

I want to know
if you can sit with pain
mine or your own
without moving to hide it
or fade it
or fix it.

I want to know
if you can be with joy
mine or your own
if you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you
to the tips of your fingers and toes
without cautioning us
to be careful
to be realistic
to remember the limitations
of being human.

It doesn’t interest me
if the story you are telling me
is true.
I want to know if you can
disappoint another
to be true to yourself.
If you can bear
the accusation of betrayal
and not betray your own soul.
If you can be faithless
and therefore trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see Beauty
even when it is not pretty
every day.
And if you can source your own life
from its presence.

I want to know
if you can live with failure
yours and mine
and still stand at the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full moon,

It doesn’t interest me
to know where you live
or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up
after the night of grief and despair
weary and bruised to the bone
and do what needs to be done
to feed the children.

It doesn’t interest me
who you know
or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand
in the centre of the fire
with me
and not shrink back.

It doesn’t interest me
where or what or with whom
you have studied.
I want to know
what sustains you
from the inside
when all else falls away.

I want to know
if you can be alone
with yourself
and if you truly like
the company you keep
in the empty moments.'

-- Oriah © Mountain Dreaming (from the book The Invitation)

Images from the internet. No copyright infringement intended.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

What prosperity means to me (Part 2)

So in this post I talked about the prosperity workshop that I attended.

Now I want to share my visions of prosperity. They are a mix of lots of small things and big things. But above all, they are about the feeling of joy, "connectedness" and content that they create. The feeling "being home", and not having the need to go anywhere else to rest.

And this happens, this moment, not in the future.

You never arrive at a destination in the future. It all happens now.

The big things are obvious - friends, family, great work, great house, car, and so on. But how about the small and everyday things? Of course we are grateful for the people in our lives every single day, but we lose sight of this gratefulness in the everyday grind of living and may forget to express active gratitude for all the goodness around us. So how to stay in gratitude and access the state without having to take a step back and look at the big picture.

On a daily basis, I like to take joy in the small things as well, and trust that the bigger things will take care of themselves. This deepens my appreciation for everything - big or small.

I like to think that the small joys are governed by some UnderGods who have these small Angels who are responsible for the little miracles and everyday smiles. They work wirelessly and are very under-appreciated, but they don't care and they keep looking at our lives, looking to find small, tiny gaps through which they can slip us some unexpected joy, bits of laughter, moments of pure ecstasy.

When all these bits and pieces of bliss are taken together or all added up, make our lives seem like one big bag of Happy and Lucky, and life does not seem to be as sad and dreary as we think it is. So it seems like a good thought, doesn't it?

So here's my list of small, everyday joys for each I am eternally grateful:

1. Early mornings

2. My cats

3. Sunsets from my balcony

4. My terrace garden

5. My phone

6. Moon!

7. Oats for breakfast or evening meal

8. This mandala by Anshu

9. This picture courtesy Manisha and Suraj

10. My red shoes

11. Garfield

12. Conversations

13. Books
14. Coffee
15. Wind in my hair!

And trust me, I am just getting started here.

What does your list look like?

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

What prosperity means to me (Part 1)

I attended this prosperity workshop on 9th October. It was conducted by Manisha, whom I have known for a long time and who has been there as a source of both light and delight for quite some time now.

As someone who has been on the Path for a while, and who has chosen to be a Tarot Reader and Healer, prosperity is something that comes as one of the first areas of life that needs attention.

Now I know to recognise and appreciate my current state of prosperity - I have never experienced any real lack of the essentials in life, I have been in a good environment and with good people always, and family has always been very supportive, even if a little nuts at times.

But somewhere, I have always struggled with the notion that I need to be able to cross a certain, shall we say, milestones(?) or markers in my professional life in order to be able to say out loud that "hey, this is what I do, and I good at it, and I am going to continue doing it." Thankfully, in this workshop, some lingering doubts and non-existent fears of "not being able to keep up with my desires" disappeared. An old, forgotten dream surfaced again, and I know that that is where I am headed.

All the learnings did not happen in that one day; that day I was able to open new doors, close the ones that were no longer functional, and was able to plant the right kind of seeds for my future prosperity. Some insights are coming in even now, and I am sure will continue for the next 3-4 months. Yes, that is how deep this workshop was! :)

So what did I learn in this workshop about prosperity? Here's some insights:

1. Prosperity only happens in the now. I cannot feel prosperous tomorrow. There cannot be a gap in "feeling" - the feeling happens now, which creates the vibrations required to attract the desired prosperity. This is why the rich get richer, and the poorer get poorer. The "feeling" of being rich or poor creates the ground zero for similar feelings to come in and descend.

2. Beliefs can be changed. Whatever does not work can be thrown away and new, more supporting things can be brought in. All you need is the courage to identify and then let go of any damaging belief. Easier said than done, but hey, there is not much choice if you are committed to the change. And that brings me to the third point.

3. Commitment to change. Get committed about what you want and really want it. Old patterns are difficult to let go as they are comfortable, like a security blanket. But if it limiting and no longer serves you, you have to decide to let go and then do so. This one single thing can make all the difference in living a life and living the best life possible - the one that you deserve.

I choose to feel prosperous right now.

I enjoy the better things in life and I am grateful for all that I have and for my ability to enjoy them.

I am grateful for the people I have in my life to share them.

Are you, too?

Count your blessings, touch your loved ones and lovely things frequently with reverence. All that brings joy to you, brings you closer to your dreams.

Commit to your dream.

Related post
What prosperity means to me (Part 2)

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Putting an idea into action: why the process is so important

So it has been almost 20 days since my last post! Now of course I have been busy putting up my website and all, but still this is one of my priorities, so I need to show up here more.

Now this does not mean that I did not write anything this past 20 days. I have some posts in draft folder, but nothing published. So this means, essentially I have not posted anything in 20 days. The drafts don't count here. Sure, they count in my writing quota, but because they were not published, they have no life. They are in limbo.

This is not about having something to show - I do not need to prove anything to anyone. This is purely about finishing things that I start and having the commitment and drive to create, shape, and ship. When I get into this habit of following this curve, my creativity is satisfied and I have the ability to put more things "out there". Why? Because that is what I do.

When I write and publish more, the process triggers more inspiration, and more creative thought. The goal is not to be perfect all the time. The goal is to recognize the spark, give it a platform, watch it unfold into something totally unexpected and ultimately allow it to take flight when it is published. I cannot just keep these things within me or put them in draft-folder cage and leave them there. It is my responsibility to ensure that they get their flight. It is their right. The spark need to be put out in the open, in the best way possible for that time, then what happens to it after it comes in contact with air - whether if becomes a big fire, goes out, turns into something else - is its own destiny.

They came from nothing, turn into something and then they expand and sometimes go beyond being just an idea or a group of words. And sometimes they don't. And that's okay. The process is more important. 

Friday, 12 July 2013

Blog Marathon Post 30. Last post of the marathon

Today is the last day of the blog marathon. I am happy, and totally proud of myself for keeping this promise to myself. 

Today I am also in a workshop for balancing my energy. The place where I am, it's beautiful and very soothing. The rain is amazing and is making the entire experience exceptional. The people are all fellow walkers and the space is awesome. 

Here is a pic of the place. I will write more about the workshop later. 

Blog Marathon Post 29. A day well spent

Today I did not have any to-do list or goals set. I did things as and when they were needed. And guess what? At the end of the day, I have accomplished much more than I would on any other task-laden, productivity-driven day.

How did this happen? I feel the following factors were responsible:
  1. Focus on the Now
  2. One Task at a Time
  3. Freedom to be Flexible
  4. Trust in myself, life and spontaneity
  5. No over-thinking and no planning
Now if I can do this all over again tomorrow :). Wait, was that me planning again? Let me rewind.

Tomorrow is another day. It's not here yet. I will let tomorrow take care of itself, while I take care of now. After all, Today is here, Tomorrow is not. 

Two of my favourite quotes from two of the most quotable authors - Dr Seuss and Thich Nhat Hanh. 


Thursday, 11 July 2013

Blog Marathon Post 28. Balance

As I prepare to go into Energy Healing Workshop day after tomorrow, all I can focus on is Balance.

My thought are around how to get into balance and what all happens to me when I am not in balance. My feeling is a little all over the place, but would like to find a place to settle. My awareness is focused on finding that edge where serenity meets insanity. It has got to be here somewhere. I can feel it in my bones!

I really wish I find my edge and the key to walking that balance. For today and for always.


Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Blog Marathon Post 27. Procrastinating vs Doing Nothing

Everyone knows that it is bad to procrastinate. Yet we all do it. Why?

I have a theory. I feel procrastination is not a habit or someone being lazy; I feel its a defensive response to the feeling of being overwhelmed and/or stressed by the task at hand. Too much thinking and our tendency to be on the treadmill regarding the "to-do list" (which never gets completed, by the way), makes us feel overwhelmed and in response, everything panics and shuts down and we feel like ignoring the task, and hence we procrastinate.

I am not saying this is the only reason, but mostly I feel this is the reason why even though we know the deadline is just around the corner, or that the exam is tomorrow morning, we still choose to stare in space, rather then get cracking with either the work, or the studies. Mind you, you are not Doing Nothing when procrastinating. You are doing plenty - worrying, thinking, fantasizing, watching TV (may be), or doing anything else except the task at hand.

Doing Nothing is a state when no part of your system does anything, including the mind, in fact, especially the mind.

I had written a post explaining Doing vs Being some time back. Excerpt:
"Doing entails activity – thinking, acting, executing, achieving, maybe even loving, then back to thinking, acting… Every action is doing, being useful or productive. Non-action is laziness or simply idling.
Being entails allowing things to happen through you, while you stay fully alert, participate in the happening, and yet remain unattached and centred. Sounds like something weird and impossible and terribly spiritually-loaded/New Age-y? Trust me, it’s not. Only when you are open to the idea that even if you are not able to stay on top of everything, your life will go on like a flowing river. Life knows exactly where it is going, your input is not required."
So next time, when you procrastinate, don't say you are "doing nothing". Instead, see what are you avoiding.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Blog Marathon Post 25. New Moon

Today is the new moon and I would like to wish everyone a beautiful journey into the depths of the mind and the unconscious. Tonight we can ask the moon to align our mind to our soul. As the moon waxes, the mind can go deeper and deeper, and bring the deepest, darkest part of our unconscious to light, and acknowledge it.

I am praying for access into the depths and the corners and the recesses. I wish to look into my subconscious and be able to change the patterns. I release whatever needs to be released from the unconscious and trust my Higher Self to do it right now.

I pray upon the New Moon to bring me peace and light, and deepen my intuition.

I am ready. I can see. I will not step back.

"As I walk to through this doorway
I know I am ready in my own way
I need not hide or ignore or part
I am in this with with all my heart
Take me in, let's go all the way.

No hesitation, no resistance, this time
I am in, penny, pound, nickel and dime
There is no other way to live,
I know so now and truly believe
I can hear the calling as the bells chime.

I have healed a lot on the inside
Let the results now show outside
The wait is over, there is no tomorrow
I call upon the mighty powers of now so
That I can go deep and never ever need to hide.

I pray upon the One whom everyone can See
Guide my Self, and bestow all Three
As my will is aligned to the Divine in me,
Thus as I wish it, so it shall be
So mote it be, so mote it be, so mote it be."

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Blog Marathon Post 24. My journey vs your drama

If I do not honour my soul's journey, then I tend to become either a watcher, or worse, a participant in another's drama. This is not good for either person involved. 

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Blog Post No. 23 My favourite short movies

I love Pixar studios and whatever comes out of there. I love their movies, and their short movies are legendary.

Here are three of my favourite short movies by Pixar.

1. La Luna. Love this short movie with all my heart! A warm fuzzy feeling spreads all over my heart when I watch this.

2. Partly Cloudy. Awesome. Just awesome.

3. Day and Night. What imagination! What happens when Day and Night come together. And there is only one way they can come together. Lovely.

Friday, 5 July 2013

Blog Marathon Post 22. A Matter of Vibrations

Today I started my day with this thought, which I found on FaceBook:

It is all about vibrations. Whatever we need, to attract it, we need to become a match for that vibration, i.e., start emitting that frequency. 

My commitment to my Self:

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Blog Marathon Post 21. An original story by me

This is a story I had written long back as a submission to into a contest/book. It is about love, leaving, and finding love again. Enjoy! Feedback welcome :)

Life after Love
“You have to be the most beautiful girl in this world,” words laced with honey and sugar, too cheesy, but hell, Shikha wasn’t complaining. “And your eyes, oh my God, your eyes…” A deep longing look was visible in his face and Shikha blushed. Her decision was made then and there. Not 2 weeks later.

Rishabh had been courting her for more than a month now and had paid her many compliments profusely. Some conventional, some really astute. She had taken everything till now with a pinch of salt. But that day something happened. A wall crumbled. Irony is that it happened when he was delivering his most cheesy lines. But then girls actually go for cheesy, right?

Shikha was not a typical dopey-eyed, bumbling young girl. She was smart, sassy and practical. She was choosey about the people she hung out with, even in the college canteen. Through a weird co-incidence, she met a rather average looking, thin, dark guy, who had absolutely no distinguishing characteristics about him. Shikha herself is someone who stands out in the crowd, not because she is the craving-for-attention types, but because of the sheer force of her personality. Her intelligence and warmth shines through her like a special kind of light. Rishabh was almost the opposite. His whole being was… hushed, muted.

As an analogy of ‘opposites attract’, these two started to date. Her friends and roommates thought it was a little unconventional considering she had met this guy through an Internet friend of hers. It was a little dangerous even. But Shikha was not someone who can be told what to do, so when she accepted the Christmas Eve party invitation form Rishabh, no one bothered to say anything. It was every girl for herself out there. If you can’t handle it, don’t play the game. Simple.
The evening ended with Rishabh and Shikha in bed together. Shikha thought this was the culmination of her feelings for Rishabh and was even having thoughts about ‘being in love’. If this was love, she definitely wanted to be a part of it. She was happy. Almost deliriously happy.

So much so, that she didn’t see the bombshell coming. “So, this was fun.”

Rishabh was saying, “How about we meet again on Thursday and do a repeat?” Shikha turned towards him. He went on, “You know, there is a friend of mine who has a real reputation with the ladies, would you like me call him too?”

Shikha snapped to attention now, “What do you mean call him?” “To join us, of course! Believe me a threesome is a great way to get initiated.”

Get initiated? Into what!? “What are you talking about, Rishabh?” Shikha asked.

“About having fun. What we just did, doing with as many people together or on one-on-one basis. It’s a life of bliss.” Rishabh threw back his head and smiled, “Let me tell you about this party I went to last week. There were three girls who had totalled this guy’s very expensive car, and were making up for it with…”

“Alright, that’s enough!” Shikha just couldn’t believe her ears, “What makes you think I will join you in something so – so – repulsive?”

“Repulsive? You were enjoying yourself a little too much not ten minutes back.”

“Yes, but…” How could she say that that was because she had believed to be in love? Or at least in a relationship based on mutual attraction. What he was proposing was horrible. How did he get this idea that she would be interested in something like this?

Rishabh was completely ignorant to all the turmoil going inside Shikha’s head. He went on, “So Thursday it is then. In the meanwhile, let’s enjoy a repeat performance.”

“No.” Shikha said quietly. “Not Thursday, not now, not ever.” She exploded, “You make me sick. I don’t ever want to see you again. Good bye.” She turned at the door to deliver the coup de grace, “I would of course always wonder as to why you thought I would be interested in your ‘proposal’. I am not that kind of girl.”

“Is that right? Then what kind of girl are you, Shikha? A hypocrite? ” Rishabh tone had changed; his usually genial disposition had given way to something sinister. There was glint in his eyes that forewarned of the impending menace of his words. He spoke in hushed tones, “You go out with a guy about whom you know almost nothing, pretend to enjoy the pick-up lines he throws at you, and sleep with him on the first party you go out. Then you try to tell me that you are not THAT kind of girl. The way I see it, you are looking for some serious action and will go with anyone who offers it. So either stop pretending, or just get out. ”

Shikha was stunned to her very core. So much for her coup de grace! This was the guy she was falling for? Was she such a poor judge of character? Everything he had said was true, except of course the part where he accused her of asking for it. Was that true too? How does one decide what to do in these situations? Shikha decided to be practical and start by planning how to get to her apartment at 5 o’clock in the morning on the other side of town.

Rishabh went after Shikha again, to convince her to accept his way of life, but by this time Shikha was livid. She refused. He then came bullying after her. He told her that if she did not agree to what he says, he will have the rather sensational evidence of their affair plastered all over town. Then Shikha got really scared.  

One day, Rishabh came to her apartment to threaten her. Her mom opened the door and a huge confrontation took place. He never came back again after that. But by now everyone knew of Shikha’s botched affair. No one said anything to her face, but the furtive glances and judgemental smirk sitting at everyone’s corner of the mouth said it all. Devastation became an understatement.

She became scared of love. She went rigid inside and decided that all this suffering was not worth it. She put all her energy in her career and rose to an executive position. Inside, she felt hollow. Then, she went into therapy and took up mediation.

After two years of working on herself, she came to terms with her experience and realised that her heart had not been damaged. Only her pride. The people who mattered in her life stood by her and the ones who ostracized her were no longer in her life.

She began her healing process and slowly, but surely, the mist that had settled around her like a veil started to lift.

Her shine was once again visible. And last year, when she met this smart, funny guy through common friends and he proposed, she said yes. Not because she wanted to escape into someone’s arms and was looking for a saviour, but because she believed in love again. This time, love blossomed. Her healing was complete. Her courage was rewarded.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Blog Marathon Post 20. The Sage and The Scorpion

When I was a kid, my father used to tell me stories at bedtime, or else I would refuse to sleep. These were the stories that he had heard from his father. One story has never left me and is my favourite till date:

The Sage and The Scorpion

A very old sage was bathing in a river in a forest. When he opened his eyes after praying to the Sun, he saw a scorpion that was getting tossed around in the river's mighty current. He picked up the scorpion and started towards the shore, but the scorpion being a scorpion, bit him. The sage recoiled from the vicious bite and the scorpion fell back in the river. 

The sage again picked the scorpion up and moved towards the shore to place it on dry land, where it will get a fighting chance to live. But the scorpion bit him again. Once more, the sage dropped him, though this time he had moved a little closer to the shore. 

This went on for a while till the sage was finally able to put the scorpion down at the river bank. 

Image from the Internet. No copyright infringement intended.
Another man was watching this struggle from a distance. When the sage reached the shore after saving the scorpion, and started treating his bites, the man asked him, "Why didn't you let the ungrateful scorpion meet its fate? It kept trying to kill you where as you were trying to save its life! He deserved to die! Such ungratefulness I have never seen!" 

The sage replied with a faint smile, "One cannot be angry at the scorpion for biting me. He does not know any better. It behaved as it is its nature to behave. He remained true to his core, and even in face of death, it did not give up its true nature." 

He finished nursing his wound, looked into the stranger's eyes, and added solemnly, "When a scorpion cannot give up its true nature of stinging, even when death stares him in his face, how can I, who has recognised and embraced compassion as my essence, abandon my true nature and stop trying to save it? Would not that be akin to cheating my true self?"

The man could only bow to such wisdom and such compassion.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Blog Marathon Post 19. My dominant thought of today

This is all that was going through me today. It had been percolating at the back of my head for 3 days, but now it is out in the open. Let's see what happens next.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Blog Marathon Post 18. How to deal with unwanted situations

We have very little, maybe none whatsoever, control on how things will turn out and how people around us will will behave in any given set of circumstances. We hardly know how we are going to react or respond, let alone how others will react. We can guess, projects past responses, and create a probable hypothesis, but in reality we do not know anything for sure.

So how do we deal with situations that are well, no to our liking? Here are some pointers that have worked for me, not all the time of course, but 80% of the time. The times these tips have not worked are the times I was not able to apply them as either anger or impatience got better of me. Then I guess it is right to assume that if applied, these tips can work 100% of the time. How can I be sure? I will tell you once you have read these tips.

1. Pause. When things are not going the way you want, take a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, let go and relax your body. Do it a few times till you can feel your breathing become even and deep on its own. This is especially helpful when you are in middle of a clash or argument. Suddenly, just pause. It helps.

2. Get grounded in the present. If you are feeling overwhelmed in your life, get into the habit of reminding yourself to focus on the present. Every time you get this feeling of being overwhelmed, sit back, relax your shoulders (rotate or shrug), and focus on a far away point for some time. Now look around you and see where you are right now and what is available to you right now. Let the future take care of itself.

3. Create a God jar. Or Universe jar. Or Harry Potter jar. Take an empty bottle. Put a label on it that says "The __________ jar". Put the name of whoever you have faith in, maybe your mom/dad, any angels, whoever, in the blank space. I have named mine simply "The God Jar". You can call it anything. Now write on a piece of paper any issue that you want to be taken care of. Surrender that issue to the jar. And forget about it. It will be taken care of. Let go of the concern. Someone will take care of it. Trust. And let go. Or even better, "let god".

4. Release. This is especially great for releasing negative emotions like anger, jealousy, fear, anxiety, and all things toxic. Sit down and write a letter to the issue ir the towards which your emotion is directed. Write till you are exhausted or till you feel lighter. Now burn it! We don't want read this again or let anybody else read it right? As the letter burns, let go of that negativity too.

5. Laugh, Dance, Sleep! Get back to the basics! If you are feeling low, try these time honoured ways to lift your spirits and open a new window.
  • Put on your favourite foot tapping number and dance! No thinking, no analysis, just let go. When the spirit feels lights, new doors open. 

  • Take out your joke books or go to the internet and find good jokes and laugh. Get your favourite comedy and watch it. 
Laughing allows to stop thinking and over-thinking, gives your being a break, and gives you the boost of energy to find solutions. 
  • And this is a personal favorite, sleep! I have had this practice since I was a child that if things around me are sad or stifling, or just out of control, then I need to put them out of focus for a while and go to sleep. 
I had a firm belief that when I will get up, something would have changed - I would have found a solution, mustered up the courage, or, the situation or my perspective, would have changed. And therefore, that's what happened. 

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Blog Marathon Post 17. Interesting things I have come across in last two weeks

The way information flies into our lives is really amazing. Apparently, the amount of information processed by an average person every hour is more than people processed in their entire lives just 50 years ago.

I love to know new, radical, weird and otherwise random facts and news. New inventions and out-of-the-box ideas fascinate me. As does Art of any kind. I am listing here a few things that came my way this week and I found them interesting and fun, or just noteworthy:

1. Land airbus: Future of cities. This is not the latest news, but I like this video which depicts how the Land Airbus would work in managing public transport in cities that are getting increasingly crowded.

Land airbus

2. Superhero caped socks! All I can say is, awesome :)


3. India Update. Came across this wonderful blog by Shovon Chowdhury, that publishes news that are not entirely true, but in a very believable manner, with huge servings of subtle sarcasm on the politics of India and related to India. Loved it!

A wonderful post

4. Here is a list of "soft" addictions or habits that cost us in the long run.

Hidden habits that can hurt.

5. This one about the US supreme court ruling made me go "huh?" and then laugh out loud.

Pray the gay away

6. Nat Geo always manages to put a smile on my face. This time it was this pic. Reminds me of someone I know ;)

7. Profound. Life Happens When I'm Making Plans

8. A new space where people are showcasing their art.

9. This is something that I want to try. Once I get my business card printed, that it.

Easy Origami Business Stand

10. A beautiful sketch that someone shared on Facebook. Loved the lines, could not take my eyes off her neck!

Ballerina by Amanda Shepherd