When the drops don’t reach your face,
When the heat inside
Burns everything that come near,
Then building a snow mountain will not soothe the singe –
It will only freeze your heart
And trap the boiling lava
Inside the walls of ice
The smoking fire, the searing pain
Will battle to burst through
But the solid barriers will keep the inferno
Locked in
Slowly, the pain will dull and fire will cool down
Eventually, ice walls will become real
And the flowing fire a thing of legend
Pain’s existence will be denied
Smooth as marble, the heart gleams with grandeur
Gets polished, and revels in its shimmery splendour
And get ready to live on forever
But one day, a decisive blow will succeed and
Form an inevitable crack, reaching the core of the heart
Where the embers of the long forgotten fire
Still remain –
Smouldering, simmering, seething – to be let out
Gathering strength to burst out given one whiff of chance
Lying low, waiting for the day Fate will turn her eye
Turning the tides to send the waves of repressed liquid fire
To the glistening marble surface
Dripping form it like golden blood
Melting the frost all ‘round, ending the Ice Age
Tears frozen long time ago regain their liquid form
Smoke mingles with air
Turning everything sooty
“Reinforce the ice walls! Let the pain stay buried!
Fury of fire sears all, so stay away, stay safe!”
Fellow hearts weep at the ruin of the beautiful façade
Lament the blot on the landscape of paradise
Pain is ugly, fiery passion more so – so long, RIP
Now comes the wind with soothing spirit and healing airs
Out goes the soot, the debris blow away
The burnt marble castle crumbles
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, nothing remains
But wait! What dwells in the centre of this ruin?
Something shimmers, is it some polished stone
That miraculously survived?
Oh! It’s the molten ice!
Back in its basic form
The water flows free, fresh as ever
It gathers Sun and lets out pure delight
New life sprouts on damp earth
Ashes and dust already inside
Drops of liquid light
Roll down from smooth leaves of tall trees
Meet the grass and bring with them tales of the mighty, cleansing wind
The rain has come, though not form sky
Fresh air is breath and warm water the red blood
Heart is in a new paradise
Hmm a nice one...loved the play of the words...Hope to see more of verses :)
well I am sucker for prose and so I skipped through your other posts to reach here :)
All the best!
This is Raksha Bharadia.
Have been reading your blog.
Interested in writing for Chicken soup for the Indian Romantic soul? It is under the same Jack Canfield Mark Victor banner. If yes, pls email me on rakshabharadia@gmail.com and i will forward the brief to you.
p.s U can Google my name
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