Remember the fairy tales you heard when you were young where you had to utter a magic word to initiate/accomplish a task? You know something like “Khul ja sim sim” that Ali Baba used to open the doors of the treasure cave. Ever thought why a whole range of myths tales weaved around magic words came into the world? I feel that these were a way to pass on the wisdom wrapped in stories and folklore to make it intriguing. Boring sermons usually put people to sleep and seem, more often than not, condescending. But tales of talking parrots and magical creatures, powers of potions and incantations, exploits of witches and warlocks, and star crossed lovers never fail to grab attention and send our imagination soaring.
But I can help wondering if the magic words in the tales were like passwords in order to access the magic or was it more like a trigger that activated the magic force? I don’t feel it was like a password because many a times, the magic creature/object refused to function if the magic word was not supplied even if you had access to it. An example will be the story of a magical flute that I read when I was young. The flute belonged to the person who got it but it bestowed all its magical gifts on the person who could play the favourite tunes of the flute. So here the tunes were the trigger that allowed a specific magic to materialise.
Just like the flute or the treasure cave, we all have magic words to which we respond in a totally wonderful way and then operate at a level where whatever we deliver seems enchanted, charmed and has a fairylike quality that is not of this world. Many times, we ourselves are astonished at the stuff that we have delivered and are left with a feeling of “just what exactly happened here?” and “did I do this?”. I am sure everyone has had many such experiences and as you are reading this, you can recall at least one such instance. This is quite similar to what people call being “inspired”. Now being inspired is usually not an everyday phenomenon. However if it is so for you, then the question you need to ask is - are you able to harness this inspiration spontaneously, all the time or even as and when required? Wouldn’t we all kill to have that kind of creative power at our disposal at all times? Some of us fantasize about it, some feel it a dream at best and that such channels open only once in a blue moon, but some are not even aware that such a thing exists!
All said and done, I have experienced that stuff just flows from a place that is not of this so-called “reality” if you are just open to receiving it. I know it is now a cliché to say that we are like receivers of a cosmic transmission – all we need to do is tune into the correct frequency. But it is true – like all other clichés! (Read this blog entry for more on clichés.) I found the key to tuning our personal transmitters totally by chance. Of course, meditation is THE way to go still, but for both the lazy (yes, mediation is not the lazy, requires intense commitment and concentration) and the hyper, there is another way that helps cut through the mind clutter and make way for a little quite and peace. You can use this as a stepping stone towards meditating or just enjoy it just as it is. It does a lot of wonders for your personal and professional life too. The sheer quality of living goes through a shift. You can almost touch and taste it.
Alright, now before you guys pull all your hair out or dream about doing to me remotely, I will explain the thing that I discovered. Here goes:
In one word the key is imagination. Ok, I hear you…you are saying you – I have plenty of THAT, that’s for the kids, get real, so much time wasted reading this stupid blog… But truly, this is the key. Actually, the key is to give yourself permission to imagine. We tend to keep our fantasies and dreams in check in order to keep our feet grounded in reality and not loose touch with what is really important. But letting your imagination fly can give you an insight that even an hour with your therapist/numerologist/tarot reader/crying shoulder cannot provide. Going on an imaginary trip, allows you to reach the places inside where no light ever reaches. For example, when you are imagining a trip to a beach, then the activities that you plan to do there, the type of beach you select, the people you choose to be with you, the food you can see yourself eating – all this brings out in the open the things you crave. Imagining the setting of a perfect job shows you the way towards going for a more fulfilling career.
A more advanced type of imagination is known as visualisation but that is mainly used for manifestation of things you already know you want. It helps bridge the gap between your inner and outer world. The more detailed is your imagination, the better the chance of you getting the dream manifested. However, most of the times, visualisation is the next step. When we start on this path, we don’t even know WHAT we want! Sometimes, we just don’t even want to care if we know where we are going. At these times, if you just play with your imagination, you can gain access to stuff you never even believed existed inside of you. I remember when I was pretending to have a conversation with my “friends” about my imaginary job and it just dawned on me that that’s what I want! This is the kind of lifestyle I feel comfortable in, and this is the kind of work I need to do. This has helped open some doors that I never knew existed.
Now I can understand some people will call this exercise flaky and even mental, but I am not asking you to start talking to yourself on the streets, you know. All I am saying is give yourself permission to loosen up. There are other realities out there waiting to be lived.
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