Wednesday, 16 May 2007
The world we weave...
Why does it sound like a dream and nothing else? Is it even real? In fact, is it even nice to think of a world like that? So then what is nice? Who will decide? How about each one for himself/herself?
Lets shut off out logical sides and just give into imagination and see what is possible and what is not.
* * * *
Some date, a typical day in office
No body is asking you how much you have done today…there is no question of productivity. Everyone has unlimited resources, so there is no need for the bosses to exploit each employee to the fullest.
Understand the scenario….
Every person on the Earth has now the capacity to ask for any service/product – there is no charge! Therefore, as the whole concept of profit has vanished, why bother with who has worked how much? There is no cost price, there is no selling price, so obviously, no profit! Everyone is getting their due in the world – according to necessity, according to desire…Now of course there might be an argument that desire is unlimited, well, so the resources here.
I can imagine the deepest sensibilities of people reading this being offended. No profit? No cost management? What are we to do – charity? No, you are nothing to do. You are to flow…just let go. But that’s difficult, right? That’s damn difficult!!
But why is it so difficult? Isn’t it obvious? There is no competition!!! You need not compete with anyone to do better or earn better. So now, how to do prove to the world and yourself that you are better than the next guy?
The idea behind this thinking is if I am not more, then I am less. This very thought guides and governs most of the efforts we make to improve and better ourselves. There is no harm in working on your Self to become more evolved beings, but usually we tend to do more scheming and plotting to ensure we come up on tops as compared to others. So basically, we are just living out lives through others!
What a tangled world we weave for ourselves!!
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Half A Wish
Old story written for a contest, according to their specifications...
"Mary had a little lamb….", "At least she had someone!" said Tippi, thinking aloud, while passing a group of kindergarten students learning the classic nursery rhyme in typical sing-song voice.
Many people who will look at Tippi will not exactly call her alone. She had friends to call upon, talk to and shout at, which is more than some can even hope for. She was bright, beautiful and healthy, in prime of her life. Now don't get the impression of a poor little rich girl, mind you! She was definitely not one. She had a nice cushy job as an executive assistant in an upcoming law firm. Only thing that she did not have was warmth! You see, she was not the foolish kinds to believe in love, at first sight or any other kind, and she also did not have any kind of faith in love being the essence of any relationship. She believed in mutually building trust on the foundations of commitment and if there is such a thing as luck, falling in love with the same person.
While crossing the kids singing the rhyme, she felt an overwhelming yearning, arising from deep inside her belly, to have someone to share her thoughts, life and apartment with. "What I will not give to have someone, ANYONE be with me whenever I want him. We can take care of each other, hold each other's hand and when necessary, curse the world together." It is said to beware of the spoken word and be sure about what you wish for, because it may come true. If only Tippi realized how her wish was going to come true!
Tippi spent the day in her office doing her usual work, making the same gestures, smiling at regular intervals and getting upset on the usual things. It was a Saturday that was working on and the thoughts of loneliness in the morning had not made her any happier. Eventually, she finished her work and by three in the afternoon was approaching the familiar and well-worn steps of her little apartment. She opened the room and immediately sensed a certain kind of uneasiness in the air. She flicked on the light switch and ran a cursory glance around the living room. Nothing was out of place. She checked the phone. It was working. She apprehensively stepped towards the bedroom door and pushed it open like she had seen cops do on TV with a baseball bat in her hand instead of a gun. It was empty. The only place left to check was the bathroom. It took her shaken nerves ten full minutes to approach the door handle and by the time she had reached the shower curtain, she was shaking with the combination of fear, nervousness and excitement.Slash!
Behind the shower curtain was a man crouching with his head bent, holding something close to his body, and blood was oozing from between his hands. Tippi screamed. So did the guy. Then came another high pitched noise that could anything from a samurai war cry to a banshee. It turned to be a cat instead.
"Please, please, o please save my Leo! He is hurt and so am I. I was running from the cops and tumbled down and hurt myself." The man pleaded to Tippi. He seemed to be around thirty-five with a part tough, part gentleman looks and had a large, black and dignified even in injury, Persian tomcat with him. Tippi was already in love. The emotion that she had deemed futile all these years had sneaked up on her and taken her with surprise. Oh, but what a pleasant surprise it was!
By nightfall, Tippi had both the intruders bandaged, fed and settled in comfortable beds. She had given up her queen-size bed for the handsome stranger who seemed to have a very interesting profile. The cat was settled right beside and was already in very deep sleep. Tippi sighed and collected her book and glasses from the bedside table and labored towards the living room.
Sitting near the fireplace, Tippi thought over the events of the day and mused over how her wish had come true. There was no point denying in it. It was meant to happen and it will happen, the only question was when. The stranger was a Mexican businessman traveling from California where he had stayed all his life. Today, he was going back to his roots, back to Mexico to help his uncle after he had lost all of his family in a plane crash. He was planning to settle there. "Mexico! How exotic!" thought Tippi, letting out a deep sigh of contentment mixed with pleasure.
Sunday morning was bitter-sweet. Parting is always painful whether from a loved one or from a car or an apartment where one has lived for seven years. But she had met Patrick only yesterday and he was leaving. Though it was a little saddening, the gift that she had received was worth everything! Sher Khan, the Persian cat, was purring on her shoulders and grooming himself. He had filled her heart with warmth and fulfilled her need to taking care of someone. Wishes do come true, and how!
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Time trouble
We all always lament the fact that we don’t have enough time to do the things we want to do. We have to first finish doing the things that we HAVE to do and then and only then can we move on to the ones that we would love to do or will enjoy doing.
Does it not sound all topsy-turvy? I mean, just think about it – we are willing to do the unnecessary first, and then do the things that give us joy. After willingly adapting this lifestyle, we crib we are not happy or are not living the way we would like to. Wake up!!! What are you saying?????
I have come to gradually understand that our world is exactly what we want it to be. All of us need to look deep inside and see if they are not inviting the cribbing, the pain and the unhappiness. Misery, I feel, is at tomes comforting. At least we have something to cling on to!!!
If we are all given the choice as well as the resources to do what we want how many of will take the world tour that most of us say we will take? How many of us will go ahead and buy that beautiful house by the sea or mountain that we so admired? How many of us will stop working for money and start the business we always wanted to start?
My guess is we will still live the same lives, keep on doing the same things, will crib about the same things, and have the same diseases, only maybe in more expansive surroundings.
I have now started to realize my own resistance to change. Have taken the first step towards a more authentic living...The paradigm has shifted definitely, even though only a little as of now...Wish me luck.
What is love?
What about intimacy then? I am not sure about that. He doesn’t share everything with me.
Attention? I can’t possibly complain there...unexpected flowers, impromptu gifts, dresses...What more could a girl ask for?