I was reading this on buzz, which was forwarded by Preeti and I agree that the idea of 'happily ever after' and "all-your-troubles-will-be-over-if-you-just-get-married" are sold on glossy covers of the magazines who are selling all things bridal. And the worst part is, as long as the so-called society people are sold on this, they will force down this idea on other people. I personally feel the entire media is largely responsible for adding on to the social pressure already exerted by the relatives and apparent well wishers (my definition of well-wishers: people who wish we were at the bottom of a well), for messing with our parents' and other dear one's minds and getting into their head unreasonable expectations off their children.
What if I want to get married in a simple ceremony or in the court? Noooooo. I must have a "dream" wedding with all the over-hyped hoopla. My parents have kept aside lacs (or even crore, I really don't know) money to "marry me off", but refuse to help with a little bit of capital to start a business. So I am now looking at other people to help finance, which is a good thing actually as I am saved a lot of family drama.
Secondly, there are no expectations from the boy - software engineer and earning above 10 lac lpa - that's it! He is God himself! Dare I find a fault in him! Now I am expected become perfect for him - wear sari, well turned out, and of course a far slimmer version of myself. My parents actually give me deadlines to become perfect!! It never works out, that's a different story altogether :D
Recently, my mom asked if Manisha, my friend, mentor and teacher, was doing anything for me. I jokingly told her that she needs to first do things for herself as she is a co-founder of a very good OD Consulting firm. My mom's response was, "What does she have to worry about? She is married and has a child, what more does she need. Her life is set. If she is a true friend of yours, she should look for a suitable match for you." I was speechless! I asked if she had been appointed my guardian or something. To which the reply was more filmy dialogues. Go figure!